Learning Overview - Autumn Term Two 2024


This half term we will be inspired by…

Key Text: 

James and the Giant Peach



This half term we will be covering……

• Addition and subtraction
• Multiplication and division
• Multiplication tables

Geography – Mapping: How do maps help to navigate the world?

DT – Forces and magnets / electricity

Music – Young Voices

Religious Education – Christianity: What is it like for someone to follow God?

Physical Education – Gymnastics and Football

Science – Forces/Magnets and Electricity

MFL – All about me

Computing (PURPLE MASH) - Y3 – Touch typing and Email Y4 – Email and coding

Personal, Social and Health Education (JIGSAW) - Celebrating Differences - Respect for similarity and difference. Anti-bulling and being unique



Please help your child to achieve their full potential as readers by ensuring that they read at home everyday. Evidence of reading at home must be recorded in their Reading Diary in order for their book to be changed in school.

REMEMBER as developing readers it is a good idea for children to read shorter books twice in order to develop both their decoding skills and comprehension.



Children will be given up to 8 key words to learn at home each week. These will be sent home on a Monday in the reading diary.

Times Tables
Please support your child by practicing their times tables at home. Purple Mash is a great resource for both online tests, activities and printable worksheets.


Children will be taking part in PE on Mondays and Fridays this term.

Children should come into school in their kits for both days. Please ensure that they have shorts available for indoor PE (Mondays).