Learning Overview - Spring One 2025
This half term we will be inspired by…
Key Text:
This half term we will be covering……
Area - Key Concepts
Geometry - Shape
Number - Multiplication and Division
History - What inventions were made in the Victorian Era? Victorian Inventions, Inventions - The Steam Engine
DT – Mechanisms : Sliders
Music – Charanga: Combining Pulse, Rhythm and Pitch. How does music thelp us to understand our neighbours?
Religious Education – JEWS – Who is Jewish and how do they live?
Physical Education – Gymnastics & Games
Science – Materials - Why do we use materials for different things?
Computing (PURPLE MASH) – Y1 – Lego Builders & Maze Explorers Y2 – Effective Searching & Making Music.
Personal, Social and Health Education (JIGSAW) – Dreams and Goals – Aspirations, how to achieve goals and understanding the emotions that go with this.
Please help your child to achieve their full potential as readers by ensuring that they read at home every day. Evidence of reading at home must be recorded in their Reading Diary by an adult in order for their book to be changed in school.
REMEMBER as developing readers it is a good idea for children to read shorter books twice in order to develop both their decoding skills and comprehension.
Children will be given up to 5 key words to learn at home each week. These will be sent home on a Thursday in the reading diary.
Chilli Challenge
Children will be set regular chilli challenge projects. Details of the next homework project will be sent home shortly.
Outdoor Day
During the autumn term, the children will be taking part in a variety of lessons and activities outside, linked to their class work. These lessons will either be in their outdoor classroom or in the school garden. Children will need to keep a pair of old trainers/wellingtons in school to participate in these activities.
A reminder pupils need to come dressed ready for PE on Wednesday's and Friday's - please ensure pupils wear shorts underneath their joggers so that they can safely use the gymnastics apparatus.